《提问的智慧》,高水平的讨论,需要大家一起维护。不遵循规范会 。"> 问答 / 87 / 2 /
it already told you that
the following arguments are required: -c/--config
d:\>type test.py import argparse parser = argparse.argumentparser(description='train config file') parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', help='path to config file', required=true) arg = parser.parse_args() config_path = arg.config print(f"path is {config_path}") d:\>python test.py usage: test.py [-h] -c config test.py: error: the following arguments are required: -c/--config d:\>python test.py -c c:\windows path is c:\windows d:\>python test.py --config c:\windows path is c:\windows
it already told you that