unix风格的可执行脚本:#! —— python 3.3 windows 启动器:#! 来到了 windows | 第一部分 开始 —— 第 3 章: 你是如何运行程序的 |《学习 python:强大的面向对象编程(第 5 版)》| python 技术论坛-380玩彩网官网入口
a note for windows users running python 3.2 and earlier: the method described here is a unix trick, and it may not work on your platform. not to worry; just use the basic command- line technique explored earlier. list the file’s name on an explicit python command line:[5]
c:\code> python brian
the bright side of life...
in this case, you don’t need the special #! comment at the top (although python just ignores it if it’s present), and the file doesn’t need to be given executable privileges. in fact, if you want to run files portably between unix and microsoft windows, your life will probably be simpler if you always use the basic command-line approach, not unix-style scripts, to launch programs.
if you’re using python 3.3 or later, though, or have its windows launcher installed separately, it turns out that unix-style #! lines do mean something on windows too.
besides offering the py executable described earlier, the new windows launcher mentioned earlier attempts to parse #! lines to determine which python version to launch to run your script’s code. moreover, it allows you to give the version number in full or partial forms, and recognizes most common unix patterns for this line, including the /usr/bin/env form.
the launcher’s #! parsing mechanism is applied when you run scripts from command lines with the py program, and when you click python file icons (in which case py is run implicitly by filename associations). unlike unix, you do not need to mark files with executable privileges for this to work on windows, because filename associations achieve similar results.
for example, the first of the following is run by python 3.x and the second by 2.x (without an explicit number, the launcher defaults to 2.x unless you set a py_python environment variable):
c:\code> type robin3.py
print('run', 'away!...') # 3.x function
c:\code> py robin3.py # run file per #! line version
run away!...
c:\code> type robin2.py
print 'run', 'away more!...' # 2.x statement
c:\code> py robin2.py # run file per #! line version
run away more!...
this works in addition to passing versions on command lines—we saw this briefly earlier for starting the interactive prompt, but it works the same when launching a script file:
c:\code> py −3.1 robin3.py # run per command-line argument
run away!...
the net effect is that the launcher allows python versions to be specified on both a per-file and per-command basis, by using #! lines and command-line arguments, respectively. at least that’s the very short version of the launcher’s story. if you’re using python 3.3 or later on windows or may in the future, i recommend a side trip to the full launcher story in appendix b if you haven’t made one already.
[5] as we discussed when exploring command lines, all recent windows versions also let you type just the name of a .py file at the system command line—they use the registry to determine that the file should be opened with python (e.g., typing brian.py is equivalent to typing python brian.py). this command-line mode is similar in spirit to the unix #!, though it is system-wide on windows, not per-file. it also requires an explicit .py extension: filename associations won’t work without it. some programs may actually interpret and use a first #! line on windows much like on unix (including python 3.3’s windows launcher), but the system shell on windows itself simply ignores it.